Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Priced Right & A Beauty Contest!

Is your condo priced right to sell in today’s market?
What is the first impression that your condo makes to a buyer?

These are the most important factors in selling your home.
One that is priced right and shows well SELLS.

Buyers have more to choose from and homes that are well furnished, decluttered and well maintained have a huge advantage.

Having your condo staged makes a huge impression on prospective buyers.
The first impression is that the home shows perfectly and makes the buyers want to stay in your home longer. First impressions are made in 30 seconds or less.

Staged homes are here to stay. It is a new standard in today’s selling market and more and more people are taking advantage of this service. Why? It gets more money for the home and they sell faster.

Call our office and talk to us about selling your condo today! We offer a complimentary professional consultation by a home stager as part of our service!